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I’m proud to announce on behalf of our Georgetown High School DECA chapter that 19 of our students placed within the top seven of their category and earned a spot at the state-wide DECA competition in March! 

They all worked extremely hard over these past few months, and I hope you all give them well-earned congratulations on this major accomplishment!

Here’s a link to some of our photos from the past two days for those who are interested:

Category Assignment:Districts Placement:Name:
Human Resource Management Series Event1Emily McManus
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism1Dylan De Mars
Human Resource Management Series Event2Lilah Ananian Randall
Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making3Anthony Gondella / Jason Trougakos
Quick Service Restaurant Management3Oliver Thibeault
Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making4Bryce Hodges / Finn Jackson
Personal Financial Literacy4Gillien Figueroa
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series4Charlotte Kane
Automotive Services Marketing Series5Panagiotis Trougakos
Entrepreneurship Series5Katelyn Davies
Food Marketing Series5Kiera Lafferty
Marketing Communications Series5Sam McClure
Principles of Business Management and Administration5Jacob Davenport
Principles of Marketing5Piper Yaskell
Hotel and Lodging Management6Chloe Morrison
Business Services Marketing7Neve McNally
Human Resource Management Series Event7Rachael Lee

Thank you,


Michael X. Kelley

Georgetown DECA Advisor

Georgetown Public Schools

11 Winter Street

Georgetown, MA 01833