Shout Outs
- Monumental Shout Out to Julia Robinson, Director of Guidance and PrincipalCarovillano for the student and parent information session with North Shore Community College! We will be piloting our first Early College (Dual Enrollment) class for the second semester. Students will enroll in Public Speaking and upon successful completion of the class they will receive high school and college credits!
- Jerry Litfin of St Cloud State University in Minnesota wants to extend his sincere thank you for allowing Kalei Bull to be mentored by Shareef Kotb and Christine Fogarty. He wrapped up their final summative assessment with Christine, and in his 14 years of working with student teachers for St Cloud State University, this was the most intense, professional, and detailed final assessment he has had the privilege to be involved in. Thank you Shareef and Christine for your willingness to mentor new teachers and share your skills!
- Thank you to Ms. Marianne Fravel for sharing a sampling of work from her 5th and 6th grade classes. See below their Native American Star Quilt coding project!

- Congratulations to Girls Soccer Coach, Kevin Fair, being honored with the MIAA Eastern Massachusetts Coach of the Year award!
- A HUGE shout out to our very new Band Director, Daniel Buchner. After being in the district for a couple of weeks he pulled off a beautiful Holiday Concert with our students at the Middle High School!!

Curriculum: The Department of Secondary and Elementary Education released a FAQ document that outlines the changes in graduation competency requirements. It was added to our website. If you would like to review it you can find it here (scroll down and click on Additional DESE Information)
I want to wish our entire community a wonderful holiday season
and a joy filled, restful break!