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Georgetown Middle School

Jeffrey Carovillano | Principal
Hope Doran | Middle School Assistant Principal

Core Values

21st Century Expectations for Student Learning


The successful students will be:

  • Skilled communicators with a deep understanding of concepts who are able to use effective literacy and reasoning skills to convey complex ideas, construct viable arguments, and create effective solutions.
  • Critical and creative thinkers who strategically apply reading, analysis, synthesis, and reason while working cooperatively and independently.
  • Able to solve problems and communicate arguments by integrating and evaluating information presented in diverse media formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.


  • GMHS students will be responsible, involved and contributing members of their school and community.


  • GMHS students will be reflective thinkers who appreciate divergent cultures and diverse experiences and perspectives as contributing members of their school and community.


  • Academic Excellence
  • Skillful Application of Knowledge
  • Community Involvement
  • Coorperative and Independent Learning
  • Awareness of Diversity
  • Respect, Responsibility, Honesty and Integrity


  • High academic expectations
  • Designing and delivering curriculum, instruction, and assessment based on students’ individual needs and learning styles
  • Using technology as a learning tool
  • Promoting students’ physical, social, and emotional well-being
  • Creating and maintaining a safe, supportive environment
  • Graduating life-long learners and responsible citizens with respect for diversity


School Council