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Perley Integrated Preschool

Shannon Tenney | Preschool Coordinator
Phone | (978) 352-5780, ext. 115

Our Mission

The mission of the Perley Integrated Preschool Program is to ensure that all preschool-aged children have the opportunity to engage in an inclusive setting that is both play-based and developmentally appropriate. We believe that early childhood is a time for children to build their sense of self, experience new friendships, and fall in love with the educational process.


Our curriculum is embedded in the Massachusetts Learning Standards for Prekindergarten.  Utilizing the Guidelines for Preschool and Kindergarten Learning Experiences, we create activities which support student learning while encouraging student-directed exploration and fun!  Our team plans according to their classroom age group and diverse needs of their students.


35 weeks of easy-to-implement phonological and phonemic awareness lessons to build strong foundational literacy skills in your preschool students.

Building Blocks Pre-K Math

Building Blocks® PreK Math is designed to support teachers and nurture the early mathematical development of young learners.


Our units provide a balance of teacher-directed large and small group lessons, learning center rotations, and opportunities for play and socializations. 

Unit 1-My Community and Me

In this Unit, students explore themes such as All About Me, My Family, and Community Helpers.

Unit 2-The Big Wide World

In this unit students explore physics, astronomy, and meteorology.

Unit 3-Living Things

Students will learn about plants, animals, and habitats in this unit.

Special Education

Our Integrated Preschool is a fully inclusive early learning center.  For those unfamiliar with the inclusion model of preschool, our school integrates special education and related services into all aspects of its program. This makes it possible to address the needs of both special needs and typically developing children in the classroom. 

Inclusive Preschool Resources for Families


Georgetown SEPAC is a volunteer organization open to anyone interested in special education. Our goals are to develop relationships between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in education.

To work so that that every effort be made by all concerned to ensure each child is treated fairly and impartially.

And to foster better understanding and communications between staff, parents and custodians, families, administrators, School Committees, organizations, and the Community-at-large concerning all aspects of special needs education.

Each week, our school issues a weekly newsletter complete with important dates, happenings at the school, links to school-related events, and parenting resources.  This is our most important means of sharing information with families and we are hopeful to reach a large Perley audience with each edition.  

If you have a topic or item that you would like to see added to our newsletter, please email Shannon Tenney.